Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is vital for the body to function as normal. The liver produces the majority of cholesterol. An excess comes from the consumption of saturated fats in the diet.
Excess cholesterol in the bloodstream leads to complications to your health, the most common being cardiovascular disease. The excess cholesterol in the bloodstream sticks to the inner lining of the blood vessels. This eventually hardens, blocking blood supply in the affected blood vessel.
What are LDL and HDL?
Cholesterol does not travel alone in the bloodstream but isbound to proteins. This complex is known as lipoprotein. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) carry cholesterol from theliver to other areas of the body. LDL (known as ‘bad cholesterol’) sticks to the lining of the blood vessels causing them to harden and narrow. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) carry excess cholesterolback to the liver for disposal. HDL (known as ‘good cholesterol) helps preventthe blocking of blood vessels. Therefore, high levels of HDL is desirable.